Got a Question or a Product in Mind?

Give us all the details and ideas you have and we can get started in the making it a reality.  Send us an enquiry on any merchandise. We design and produce coins, pins, patches, stubby coolers and more.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What primary services do you offer?

We assist you from the design to delivery stages of bringing your custom challenge coin and/or other collectables to reality. 

What do you specialize in?

We specialise in making customised collectables. We step you through the entire customisation process to make custom one-of-a-kind coins,  pins and/or badges. 

What are the rates of your services?

Rates and cost of the entire process is dependent on the complexity of the design, the difficulty of the manufacturing process and is inclusive of delivery costs. Therefore, there is no set price or rate and the cost will depend on the product. 

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